Training Advisers

Training Advisers

Training Advisers have an essential job in providing support to those undertaking training for their appointment in Scouting.

Training Advisers with managerial experience, either with a Scouting role or externally, are able to become Training Advisers for Managers and Supporters to support and assess learners in their training for these key appointments.

More information on the Training Adviser and Training Adviser for Managers and Supporters roles can be found in the Role Descriptions.

Key Documents for Training Advisers


Personal learning plans

Every learner will formulate a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) during one-to-one sessions with their training adviser. Occasionally, there may not be enough training advisers to provide one-to-one support for all the adults who need it and, therefore, under exceptional circumstances it may be appropriate to carry out the formulation of the training plans in a group.


Prior Learning

Although the completion of the young leaders’ scheme cannot be used as automatic validation for any module, it should be acknowledged and taken into consideration when agreeing the personal learning plan.


Validation processes and guidelines

The Scouts aims to ensure that adults are able to meet a high standard in their role. However the training it provides is only one piece of the jigsaw. Whether or not the adult is using the skills learned to the required standard in practice is measured through a process called validation. Decisions can then be made as to how the adult might be managed or developed.

Updated: 02/10/2020

POR Updates and Appointments: Table 2

A number of updates have been made to POR to align our policies and rules with the changes we have made to our training scheme.

A key update is to the Appointments: Table 2This has been significantly expanded to list all of the roles available for members to be appointed to. It provides clarity on the appointment processes for each role, the training requirements and is more specific on role titles and requirements across the nations.

You can find out more detail on all the changes in the full document of POR.

You can find even more help and advice on the National Scout website HERE

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III