Outdoor First Aid for Scouting (REC 2) (Refresher)
Between: 22nd June 2024 - 23rd June 2024
Between: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: St Albans Scout District, Chene Drive, St Albans AL3 5PE
This Outdoor First Aid course, follows the Rescue Emergency Care Level 2 guidelines and meets the Scout Association definition of a Full First Aid certificate. It also meets other National Governing Bodies such as ML, BC and RYA.
It is aimed at leaders who are familiar with the Outdoor First Aid course and can cope with a refresher.
This course is not run by GLN. The cost is £100.00 for those with Scout Appointments.
It is presented and delivered by Julia Pich, currently a District Commissioner in Hertfordshire.
To register your interest please complete this form: https://tinyurl.com/JPT-booking
(See full list of available courses www.juliapichtraining.co.uk.)
For anyone doing this training to fulfil a requirement for an activity permit, you can also apply for some grant aid towards the cost -by completing the form on the website here.
St Albans Scout District, Chene Drive, St Albans AL3 5PE